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  • gurpreetsingh73

Great News!! Skilled Migrant Category Reopens

Important Points to Note:

- Selections of expressions of interest (EOIs) for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa will resume on 9 November 2022.

- Submissions for EOIs can still be made NOW to qualify under 160 Points until 8th November 2022.

- In the EOIs selection on 9 November 2022, INZ will select all EOIs with at least 160 points. From 18 January 2023, EOIs will need to have at least 180 points to be selected.

- If you have previously submitted an EOI, you can choose to continue or withdraw it. If you withdraw your EOI before it is selected you can request a refund.

- If you want to continue, you should check your details are correct and add any new information before 9 November 2022. You can also claim any additional points.

- You must ensure your EOI is up to date before selection begins.

- Invitations to apply- If you are invited to apply for a Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa you will have four months to submit your application.

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